G596 / Lemon Irvin
G596 / Lemon Irvin 

G596 / Lemon Irvin

  • Brand: Anet Sobko
  • Product Code: G596
  • Availability: 2-3 Days

Colored Pencils / Watercolor /Pearlescent Watercolor /  Liner 



Lemon Irvin

Lemon Ivrit is a character from the anime Mashle Magic and Muscles. Lemon Ivrit is a golden-haired girl. The use of watercolours, coloured pencils, ink pens and pearlescent watercolours creates a unique effect, adding saturation and textural shimmer to the drawing. Each element has absorbed the magic, creating a harmonious composition that enchants the viewer.

Creation Process https://youtu.be/FAve1uHjsik 

Tags: G596, lemon Ivrit, Lemon, Mashle, The Characters, Colored Pencils,  Watercolor, Pearlescent Watercolor, Liner ,